If you are looking into buying hearing aids, then you might find yourself overwhelmed with all of the choices. There are so many styles out there now that it can be quite difficult to make a decision about which one you think is going to be best for you. It’s true to say that there are plenty of variables here, and it’s going to be a case of working out which one you believe will work best for you. In this article, we’re going to be taking a look at some of the best styles of hearing aid available right now, so keep reading if you would like to find out more.

Behind the ear (BTE)

Behind-the-ear hearing aids are one of the most popular options when it comes to these devices. They sit behind or on top of the outer ear and have tubing that routes the sound down into the ear canal. They come in a wide variety of colors so you can match it to your skin tone or your hair color to help it blend in if you want to.

BTE hearing aids often have a few more features than some of the other styles, simply because they are bigger, allowing them the capacity for more. BTE hearing aids can also be longer lasting.

In the ear (ITE)

In-the-ear hearing aids will sit in the outer bowl of your ear and will usually be custom fit for your ears. Your hearing health professional will take an impression during your consultation, and this will then be used to create the perfect fit for your hearing aids if this is the option that you choose. Again, you can get different skin tones to blend in with your outer ear if you want your hearing aids to blend in rather than stand out.

It is generally said that ITE hearing aids have excellent sound quality and amplification, and as such are fantastic for those people with mild-to-moderately-severe hearing loss.

In the canal (ITC)

These are among the smallest of all of the options, and again are another extremely popular choice. ITC hearing aids will sit in the canal of your ear. While they are small, they offering the wearer fantastic sound quality and noise reduction. They also come with a range of convenient features making your life a little easier and ensuring you the best level of hearing possible.

They are designed to fit perfectly into your ear canal using the same impression that ITE hearing aids use.

We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now have a better understanding of what the best hearing aid styles are. When it comes down to choosing one, this is going to be based on what is best for you personally, talk with your hearing health professional about the best option for you and the severity of your loss. Making the right choice will improve not only your hearing but your lifestyle as well!

Tags: hearing aid styles